Friday, October 2, 2009

Tourism Product Module 37

Module 37 (B)


2 new places and products will as follows;-

a) Penang War Museum , Batu Maung
The Penang War Museum is a historical site originally a fortress is located at Batu Maung Hill, south east of Penang Island. It was built in the 1930's by the British to protect the island from the invasion of enemies. This 20 acres site is located on a hill and you will be able to see the Straits of Melaka as well as the surrounding areas from here. The construction of this fortress was done by The British Royal Engineers and local labourers. This complicated fort has all the features of a typical defence facilities with underground military tunnels and ammunition bunkers. The ammunition storage is located 9 metres underground with thick stonewall to enable it to withstand enemy's fire.
Canon firing bays, cook houses, well, logistic centre, hall, offices, sleeping quarters and medical infirmary are also preserved for your journey of discovery here. There are even underground tunnels that go all the way to the Straits of Melaka for access to submarines.
This is a site it will show the history of Penang during the period of war and a historical site which one see the how the military of the various forces in Penang especially the British and the Japanese.
This how we can show the visitor of going back in time and history will serves as a good teacher for new generation on the implication of war and thus providing a clear perspective on how we can positively shape our society today by evading the mistakes of the past.

b) Penang Aquarium , Batu Maung

The Penang Aquarium, officially the Fisheries Department Research Institute Aquarium, is a medium-size aquarium located within the Fisheries Research Institute complex in Batu Maung, on the southeast tip of Penang Island. The aquarium has 25 tanks to showcase various types of marine life, especially those found in the regional waters. Among them are the lion fish, the boxfishes, moray eels, tangs, surgeon fish, cat sharks, stone fish, angel fish, blue spotted stingray, fox face fish, parrot fish, squirrel fish, damsels, bivalves and more. The largest tank measures 15 ft by 10 ft and houses the big fishes such as the snappers, the tudung periuk and the nyior nyior.

This very educational as most tropical fish are not available in other countries especially in countries which cold season exist. Tropical fishes are unique as they are very colorful.

Aquarium is a good place to visit for adult as well as children. There various explanations on the tropical fishes and it is a good educational tour that can help to enhance a person on preserving the nature and treasuring it as well. This will also show us how we can value the gift of nature and ensuring that it does not extinct from the surface of the earth.

On the other hand the entrance fee are very reasonable and by supporting the aquarium, it will provide financial support to upkeep the organization survivalship thus at the same helping to preserve the nature and the tropical fishes as well.

Case 2

Malaysia’s mangroves are very unique as in this mangrove; we can discover not only the various species of mangroves plants but also various type of wildlife living there. The mangrove for example Rhizophora is the one of the best gift of nature to us. It is said that one of the best thing that mangrove can do for us is prevention of erosion on soils and also protection against tidal wave such tsunami. It is actually a buffer zone against erosion. Mangroves also provide us with bountiful of strong wood that can be use for construction and to make stilts for some of the “floating houses” which is nearby the sea. But most of all the mangrove wood is use to make charcoal for our daily use.

Charcoal is a good source of removing bad odour from our refrigerator. However , since mangrove are one of the greatest gift of nature, therefore utilizing the mangrove should be done in a proper and careful to ensure that it does not extinct . The living creatures such the crab, the macaque as well as some kinds of birds proves to be a good heritage to our society. This will be a good educational lessons and a good source of tourism to be promoted. Not much of mangroves or there are even no mangroves in certain part of the world and thus proves that preserving mangroves as part of the nature heritage proves to be a good source of tourism product to be presented to visitors.

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