Saturday, October 24, 2009

Module 5 Goverment Policies


Module 5 .
Government policies


a) Cluster school;- A cluster school in Malaysia is given autonomy in administration and adequate funding to excel in specialised fields (academic, sports and extra-curricular activities) of choice.

b) Smart school;- The pilot project was intended to introduce ICT technologies to schools in Malaysia. 87 schools had been identified all over Malaysia for the pilot project. Deployment of computers which are inter-connected with all other smart-schools is not enough to make the deal looks convincing, thus the project team in-charge came out with a solution called the Smart School Integrated Solutions (SSIS) .The main components of SSIS are the teaching-learning materials, the smart school management system (SSMS), technology infrastructure, systems integrations and support systems.

c) Apex university;- Under the Apex university, it was promised autonomy in finance, service scheme, management, student intake, study fees and determining the top leadership. The Apex university programme is proposed in the National Higher Education Strategic Plan where universities will be divided into three groups namely Apex University, Elite University and Competitive University.

2. Opinion of Malaysian tourism doing enough on creating a disable friendly environment.

Malaysia tourism is inclusive of visiting place of interest, accommodation and shopping. As for going around to places of interest inclusive of places of interest and heritage , I would say that Malaysian tourism had done quite enough and there are still rooms for improvement. To be exact, at certain places, they had provided pavement for wheel-chair and also rest room/ toilets for disable persons. This is a good news for disable-person but unfortunately there are still some place where such facilities do not exist. I suggest that the Malaysian tourism may provide assistance in finance and advice or facilities to make them a hassle free for tourist that are disable. As for accommodation, this problem do not really exist especially for the well establish and famous hotels. Even shopping had been providing facilities and support for disable person. Overall the Malaysian tourism is considered to be doing fairly for creating comfort for a diable friendly environment.

3. Opinion on extension of retirement age for civil servants and ideal age for retirement.
Civil servants had contributed to the country’s growth and development and with their valuable experience throughout their career prove to be an asset to the country as a whole. Experience is not obtain overnight and therefore their service is very much sought after. Civil servants services is very much appreciated throughout the times. Young and freshies looking for may not be able to sustain long in the civil services. So should the new comers in civil services resign or left the career, it may cause a enormous shortage in the manpower. For example, teachers that had supposed to retire from teaching may extend as most them are well qualified and are more dedicated towards their career. The best age for retirement is 65 years old for men and 60 for ladies as ladies may tend pay more attention to their grown up children and their grand children.

4. Vision 2020 and tourism contribution towards attainment of vision 2020 for Malaysia.

Vision 2020 or Wawasan 2020 is a Malaysian idea introduced by the former prime minister of Malaysia Mahathir Bin Mohamad during the tabling of the 6th Malaysia plan in 1991. The vision calls for a self-sufficient industrial, Malaysian-centric developed nation, complete with an economy, in 2020 that will be eightfold stronger than the economy of the early 1990s.

Tourism is an important industry in Malaysia. Tourism existed when a country is in a peaceful state and people from abroad would like to travel to Malaysia. Foreign tourist may not know very much about Malaysia and they may assume and view Malaysia in a different perspective. It may be a positive perspective or negative and normally it may not be very favourable to Malaysia. As the tourism flourish and people get to know Malaysia better, they will spread the words of mouth around in their homeland and thus promote Malaysia on behalf our behalf..

From tourism, Malaysia will obtain revenue from foreign exchange and inflow from foreign revenue. As tourist gets to know better of Malaysia in terms of political stability, culture and lifestyle and the friendliness of Malaysian, foreign investors will be more willing to invest in Malaysia thus indirectly contribute to Malaysia’s vision to be a developed nation which is the vision 2020 initiated by Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamed. This will contribute to the creation of more employment and economy stability and growth. From tourism industry, visitors will be willing to reside in malaysia as their second home , for a good example Malaysia my second home abbreviated as MM2H which proved to be very popular. This can assist in Malaysia as those residing in Malaysia under this programme will deposit a huge amount of money in our Malaysian registered bank which indirectly create a huge amount of cash in terms of savings in the Malaysian financial system. When there is a substantial amountof money in the financial system, it will help to generate the country’s economy. All the activities that tourist visiting will therefore contribute to malaysia vision 2020.

5. National Cultural Policy as a form of identity for Malaysia’s multi-racial society.
Culture of Malaysia is defined in the "1971 National Culture Policy" of Malaysia. It defines 3 principles as guidelines for 'national culture'.
Malaysian culture or Malaya culture is a mixture of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and various indigenous tribes.

a. The national culture must be based on the indigenous Malay culture.
b. Suitable elements from the other cultures may be accepted as part of the national culture.
c. Islam is an important component in the molding of the national culture.

The national culture policy is ideal form to promote our Malaysian identity especially in a multi-racial society as this is an evidence that the difference of culture will not hinder the unity of Malaysian as a whole. The national culture policy also allows other Malaysian culture which is Chinese, Indians, Eurasians, Kadazans, Ibans and others to be incorporated as a part of the culture. This basic principle is the tolerance between the multi-racial society adopting a common goal and aspiration of a country.

6. Malaysian education system and free education to all school going aged Malaysians for 2008.

Malaysian ministry of education had made it compulsory that all Malaysian school going aged students are compulsory to attend school and the education is made free for all government aided school for 11 years which is include a primary education which started at age of 7 years old until age 12 which is the primary school. Thereafter from age 13 until 17 which is the secondary school. The Malaysian education system encompasses education beginning from pre-school to university. Pre-tertiary education (pre-school to secondary education) is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education (MOE) while tertiary or higher education is the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). The vision of the Government is to make Malaysia a centre of educational excellence.

Primary and Secondary EducationPrimary education (a period of 6 years) and secondary education (5 years which encompasses 3 years of lower secondary and 2 years of upper secondary) make up 11 years of free education.
The primary school is known as standard 1 to standard 6 while the secondary education is known as form 1 to form 5.
Post-secondary EducationUpon completion of secondary education, students can opt to pursue 1 to 2 years of post-secondary education. This is the university entrance preparatory course. In total, the 12 years of school education serves as the basic entry requirement into Year One of a bachelor’s degree programme in higher educational institutions. The post-secondary education is known as lower 6 and upper six.

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