Saturday, October 24, 2009

Module 29

Module 29

1. Itinerary for Penang Express

Welcome aboard to all my guests,

Selamat datang to Penang, literally “Selamat Datang “means welcome and as for Korean, you will normally say “An-yeong ha say yeok” which carries the same meaning.

As for Korea the Greenwich Mean Time is + 9, while Malaysia is + 8 , so as per your itinerary which is distributed stated 1000 hours , which 10.00 a.m. here Malaysian time, while in Korea it will be 11.00a.m. So kindly adjust the time accordingly.

At 11.30, we will be visiting Wat Chaiya Mangalaram and Dhammi Karama temples. This temple is situated just opposite each other. As Penang is a multi ethnic society, we have a small Thai community here too. Wat Chaiya Managalaram is a Thai temple. The word “Wat” means temple in Thai language. Chaiya Mangalaram is the name of the temple and the main attraction is the reclining Buddha which is the main attraction. It measures to 180 foot and is the 4th largest in the world after the one in Myanmar, follow by Thailand, then Kelantan, a Malaysian state on the east coast. Every year Thai festivities is held here, such as Songkran on April and Loy Krathong on November. For year 2009, Loy Krathong falls on the 1st of November, 2009.

Meanwhile Dhammikarama is a Burmese temple although it looks very similar but however they are different. The land on which this temple is built is donated by Nonya Molah Betong, a Burmese lady and is this temple held under a board of trusteeship.this temple is built in 1803 and is managed by a chief monk. Here in this temple you will find the Guardian and the Protector of the world known as “Panca Rupa”. Wesak day known as a birthday of Buddha is celebrated here as well as Wat Chaiya Mangaralam.

Then we shall proceed to the Botanical Garden, a place that we can experience the beauty of nature. Botanical Garden was founded by Mr. Charles Curtis in which at that moment of time, Botanical Garden is a research centre for plants. The famous plant that can be seen is the cannonball tree. The fruit which huge and looks like cannonball is not edible. Besides that we can find some trees such as the Ipoh tree in which the latex of the tree is used to make poison for blowpipe darts.
We shall also proceed to Craft Batik, a souvenir shop which is within the Botanical Garden. Batik cloth is a local handicraft and design is made with careful craftsman. It is unique to wear as a shirt and actually when wearing a batik is actually wearing a masterpiece of art.

At 1300 hours which is 1.00 p.m., we adjourn for lunch at Hot Wok. Hot Wok is a Nyonya food restaurant. Nyonya food is a combination of Malay and Chinese food culture. The menu from your list stated Assam prawns (tamarind prawns) – a dish of which prawns is cook with tamarind juice, the taste is normally sourish and sometimes spicy. Otak –otak which literally means brains. It is actually steam fish breaded with turmeric, other spices and coconut milk. Mango kerabu is actually an unripe mango salad.
Jiu Hu Char is fried squid. “Jiu Hu” is squid and “char” is fried in Hokkien. Meanwhile belachan chicken is chicken cooked with fermented tiny prawns. “Belachan” is fermented tiny prawns.

At 1430 hours (2.30 p.m.), we will visit the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion which is known as the Blue Mansion. The blue colour of the mansion is from a kind of flower which the local call it as “Bunga Telang” also known as Pea flower.

At 1600 hours (4.00 p.m.) we shall return back to hotel for a rest.

At 1900 hours (7.00 p.m.), we shall leave for Rasa Sayang Hotel for a dinner at the Spice market. The hotel name which is called “Rasa Sayang” means the feeling of love in English.
Here you will be able to enjoy the variety of Malaysian cuisine flavored with spices.

At 2130 hours (9.30 p.m.) within a walking distance, we shall visit the famous Batu Feringghi Pasar Malam. The name of “Batu” mean rock and “Feringghi” derived from the name the locals addressing the former olden Portuguese whom used to land there. “Ferringghi” means foreigners of European origin. “Pasar “is market in Malay language while “malam” means night, so it known as a night market.

At 2230 hours (10.30 p.m.) we shall return to hotel.

On Day 2 you will see the word SELAMAT JALAN which literally means safe journey
but however the meaning refers to good-bye.

0800 hours (8.00 a.m.) you shall have your breakfast.

0900hours (9.00 a.m.) it will be the check-out time and depart to the airport, Bayan Lepas International Airport.
For your information, the word “Bayan” refers to a type of bird and “Lepas” literally means release. However the name of the airport had now been changed to Penang International Airport.

Terima kasih and jumpa lagi means Thank you and see you again.

2. What are the things that need to do during check-in and check-out of the group?

Duties to for check-in

a. Ensure that guest list for tour guide is the same with the list at the hotel front office registration.
b. Ensure that the details are verified and the travelling documents are returned to the guest.
c. Obtain the room numbers of the guest.
d. Hand over the keys or access card to the guest.
e. Inform and brief the guests on the time to meet for tomorrow.
f. Inform the guests tour guide room number and phone number

Duties to do for check out

a. Ensure that all the payments are made
b. Ensure that all keys and access card are return to hotel accordingly.
c. Make sure that the guest does not leave any of their belongings behind in hotel.

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