Wednesday, November 11, 2009


1511 - 1641 -Portuguese Rule

Porta De Santiago , a very old Portuguese fortress gate standing in Melaka.

The fortress is known as A Famosa - means "The Famous"

The original building of A Famosa -demolish by British when British rule.
However with the interference of Sir Stanford Raffles - therefore the gate ,Porta De Santiago survived.

Portuguese arrival in Melaka - 1511 - Alfonso Alburqueque

2 reason why Portuguese attacked Melaka;-
1) Because the first arrival of Lopez de Sequiera was attacked by Melaka warriors. A revenge was initiated.
2) To control the trading post of Melaka - spice trade

Fortress completed in November 1511

Melaka was founded by Paramewara - a SriVijayan prince
Name of Melaka originated as a name of a tree.
- a good omen had prompted Parameswara to name his new kingdom Melaka. - when his hunting dog was kicked into a river by a mousedeer.

Things and People found in Melaka :-

1) Eurasians
2) Peranakans
3) Chittys

Peranakans - Baba's and Nyonya's - a mixed culture of Chinese and Malay

Food in Melaka ;- Otak-otak, laksa, nyonya kuih - pulut , nasi kunyit.

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