Sunday, July 25, 2010


Well, let me put it this way - its a HELL of a writing for a Tour Guide Course
Imagine 8 essays in 3 hours .

Allow me to share my experience on the some of the topic.

-Example for last year - a question of how we can promote Malaysia's Tourism/ Tourism Product & Handicraft.

Take some of this points for your essay.

1. Give coupons discounts for tourists to use- make them feel important /priveledge
2. Promotions at the border / airports and entry point.- sell the good point of our country.
3. Sell a Malaysian Shopping Purchase card. - use a cashless system
4. Cleanliness & Hygiene
5. Shopping Malls to participate to promote Malaysian Products.

-another on political . ( Why is political stability important for Tourism in Malaysia?)

1. Good example -quote Thailand recent unrest that causes losses in tourism revenue.
2. Peace and comfort for tourist
3. Tourist and visitors wants to see the good part of us- friendliness, crimeless or little of crime, honest mechants and many others .
4. Make tourists become repeated tourists.
5.Make them feel at home.

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