Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lotus Flower and Buddhism

The lotus flower has a unique characteristic in that it blooms and sheds its seeds at the same time.

In the context of Buddhism, the theory of karma says that, just like the lotus flower, our life is made up of cause and effect. Every cause -- be it action, word or thought -- will imprint an effect that can be seen in this lifetime or in future lives.

The lotus is one of Buddhism’s most significant symbols. It is a symbol of enlightenment and purity of the mind. The lotus symbolizes many aspects of the path to enlightenment.

As the lotus grows out of the still water and mud of the pond (samsara – the cycle of rebirth), it leaves the mud (worldly existence) behind to emerge straight toward the sky, appear clean on the surface (purity), and blossoms into a beautiful flower (enlightenment).

The flower opens its petals to catch the warm sun rays, reveals its beauty and purity, and shares its fragrance with the world.

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